Top Five Fruits for Health

by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog


A new year is upon us, and with it come all the promises of making healthier choices for the rest of the year.  Although these resolutions tend to be short-lived because of their varying degrees of difficulty, adding more fruit to your diet can be the one promise you make yourself that lasts.

With the media constantly feeding us ads for new lotions, potions, and treatments, it’s easy to forget that we actually need to be feeding our skin from the inside.  While fruit is a healthy treat in general, there are specific ones that have unparalleled benefits for our skin. The top five being oranges, papaya, pomegranate, berries and avocados.

Oranges are amazing for your skin due to the fact that they are packed with Vitamin C and extremely hydrating. Vitamin C is essential for skin health because it protects cells from free radical damage as well as boosts collagen production. Oranges also aid in your body’s overall detoxification process since they are high in fiber and rich in antioxidants which help move oxygen around your body. They also have a high liquid content which makes for an excellent source of hydration for thirsty skin.

Along with oranges, adding papaya to your daily diet is a fantastic way to ensure your skin stays at its best. Like oranges, papaya has a very high Vitamin C content. It also happens to have one of the highest Vitamin A and carotene levels in the fruit family. Papaya is also rich in papain which is thought to help in the renewal of skin cells. Vitamins C and A combat free radicals and have an anti-inflammatory effect.  Together, these vitamins and compounds can help soothe irritated skin while promoting elasticity and preventing premature aging.

Like papayas, pomegranates are becoming more popular with all of the new research being done on how beneficial they are for our health. Pomegranates are not only excellent for our cardiovascular and digestive systems, but they are also a powerhouse for healthy, vibrant skin. This shiny, red fruit with its bevy of jewel-like juicy seeds happens to contain ellagic acid which has been proven to inhibit the growth of skin cancer. The high levels of antioxidants contained in the fruit are also said to aid in cell renewal in the two most important layers of your skin, the epidermis and the dermis.  Pomegranates also contain anthocyanins which act to strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels that supply nutrients to the skin therefore inhibiting the development of spider veins below your skin’s surface.

While berries are already a favorite fruit for many of us, they are also a favorite of our skin. Berries of all kinds, including raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries are high in Vitamins C and E which are both important for protecting your skin from the damaging effects of free radicals. Vitamins A and C are also known to aid in the production of collagen which makes skin look smooth, supple and more youthful. It is said that eating a handful of dark berries every day can make you look several years younger without the use of injections.

It may be easy to grab a handful of berries and toss it in a bowl of yogurt or cereal, but another fruit that we should eat on a regular basis for healthier skin is avocado.   This fleshy, creamy, green fruit is also high in Vitamins C and E as well as monounsaturated fats that help to keep our skin moist and nourished from the inside out. Avocados are especially beneficial if you are prone to dry skin or suffer through the drying effects of cold weather.

With these five delicious fruits added to your daily dietary intake, you are not only giving your body a boost, but you are also ensuring that your skin gets all of the nutrients and natural protection that it needs to stay looking healthy, supple and young.

The old adage states that “We are what we eat” and one of the first places that starts to prove true is our skin.  Eating oranges, papaya, berries, pomegranates and avocados is a simple and mouthwatering way to ensure that your skin always looks healthy and it’s far cheaper and less painful than popular cosmetic procedures.

Go ahead…enjoy a fruit salad and know that your skin is thanking you for it!


About The Publisher

Jeff Corbett
As entrepreneur, author and magazine publisher with over 25 years’ experience in the global marketplace, I enjoy writing as an advocate for international business and personal freedoms. Thanks to my experiences building businesses I also have a tremendous interest in reading or writing about motivation and self-discipline.