How to Avoid Travel Scams
May 2, 2024
Traveling should be fun. If you are planning to travel either locally or internationally, scams can occur and if large enough they can ruin your plans. Here are a few scams to be aware of while traveling this summer.
Cab Scam – Know the going rate for cab rides and how to identify licensed providers especially when traveling abroad. Thus, avoid being overcharged by a disreputable cab driver or having your credit or debit card information stolen. London Taxi Scam
Free Stuff – this is very common in Europe. The perpetrator places a bracelet on your wrist or a hat on your head and then insists you pay for the item. When you refuse, they attempt to embarrass you by acting out. A quick solution is just by removing the item and walking away. Free Stuff Scam
Rental Scam – This occurs when you rent a car or a bike. When you return the vehicle, the merchant insists you pay for damages. This is an easy fix by always taking pictures of the car or bike before taking possession and making sure the merchant sees you doing so.
Pick Pockets – This can often occur when you are walking down the street and someone bumps into you and spills something on your clothes. While helping you clean up they proceed to pick your pocket. Europe Pick Pockets
Here are a few more:
10 Tourist Scams to Beware – AARP